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Ambler Area Running Club

Welcoming runners of all abilities.


The mission of the Ambler Area Running Club (AARC) is to provide the community with an organized venue in which to promote the sport of running and the benefits we believe it provides to all members, regardless of age or ability.  These benefits include, but are not limited to, physical activity, which contributes to a healthy lifestyle, friendship, and  social interaction as well as community outreach and support.  

The Code of Conduct is created for the safety and benefit of AARC, its members and visitors. It is not meant to dictate all  interpersonal relationships and interactions between members or between members and the community. Instead, the purpose of this policy is to set forth the basic principles of decency we expect members to follow so that members can achieve their running goals in a safe and fun environment.  

As an AARC member, you agree to:

  • Always show respect to your fellow club members.
  • Always show respect and appreciation for the volunteers who give their time to help the AARC and/or AARC events.
  • Refrain from verbal (yelling, taunting, threatening) or physical violence upon anyone at an AARC race, or other club  event.
  • Refrain from making racial, ethnic, religious, age, sexual-orientation or gender-related slurs or derogatory comments at  AARC events.
  • Refrain from making unwanted sexual or physical contact with other members, volunteers or members of the community at AARC events. Members shall not act in a manner that can be deemed as sexual harassment, which includes unwelcome sexual advances, unwelcome requests for sexual favors and any other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
  • Refrain from acting in a manner that disrupts or impedes AARC events, damages or uses its owned properties in any  fashion deemed detrimental to the AARC.
  • Follow all traffic/pedestrian laws and club rules when participating in AARC running events.  Failure to follow the Code of Conduct may lead to a member’s expulsion from AARC.  

Violations of the Code of Conduct are to be presented to the AARC President, who shall investigate the circumstances of  the allegations and report the findings to the Board of Directors.  

The Board of Directors shall review the findings of the President at its next scheduled meeting to determine whether further action is necessary. The Board, in its discretion, may fashion a remedy depending on the severity of the Code of Conduct violation. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, a verbal warning, a written warning, referral of the matter to proper law enforcement, or the cancellation of AARC membership. The Board shall allow the accused member an opportunity to be heard. The accused may petition/address either in writing or in person, prior to any cancellation of any AARC membership.



Contact Us

P.O. Box #204

Springhouse, PA 19477


Ambler Area Running Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit and subsidiary organization of the Road Runners Club of America.

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